Check out the pictures below.
- Vacationing in Chicago with my sister Cynthia.
- A picture of my garden from Summer 2016.
- ACFW 2015 (left to right, row 1) Susan Crawford, Sharon Srock, Terri Weldon, Julie Jarnagin (row 2) Linda Goodnight, Robin Patchen, Lacy Williams, and Mischelle Creager.
- I saw some beautiful foliage when I traveled to Nebraska with my sister Cynthia.
- Me and Johnny Three Knives in Chicago. He was the guide for the gangster tour. Such fun!
- 4th of July in Branson with my sister Cynthia.
- Another picture from my garden. I love flowers!
- Thrilled to see Colleen Coble, my favorite author, at the 2014 Awards Banquet!
- With Brandilyn Collins at the MBT Pizza Party
- Having fun at the 2014 ACFW Conference with my friend Gail Helgeson
- OCFW Gals (Front row L –R) Sharon Srock, Susan Crawford, and Lacy Williams (Back row L-R) Regina Jennings, Terri Weldon, Toni Chism, and Robin Patchen
- My friend Susan Crawford was a 2014 Genesis Finalist
- Talking to Susan May Warren at the MBT Pizza Party.
- The lovely Tina Radcliffe at the ACFW Genre Dinner.
- Robin Patchen, Deb Raney, Terri Weldon, and Regina Jennings at the OCFW mini-conference.
- My two Westies, Crosby and Nolly Grace.
- Visiting with Lacy Williams, Janet Lee Barton, and Rene Gutteridge at a local booksigining.
- The OCFW gals at the 2012 ACFW Conference.
- I had the privilege of meeting one of my favorite authors, Ted Dekker, when he and Tosca Lee were in Oklahoma.
- With Tosca Lee at a dinner the OCFW group hosted for her and Ted Dekker.